Are we a Good Fit?
Storytelling is what I've devoted my entire life and being to. I have a college degree in it, I've started and sold businesses with it, and I've traveled around the world with the effort of telling better stories. It's in my blood, it's what I'm most passionate about and naturally best at. Most importantly it's my driving purpose as a human and hopefully my gift to humanity. So I take great pride and great focus in the projects I take on. I can guartenee you that I will not be your cheapest option out there, but I will be the most efficient and the most effective. And as a side bonus, we'll have a lot of fun together along the way... that is, IF we're a good fit... so... here's some [hopefully] helpful information to let you know where I'm coming from...
Enneagram: 7
"Sevens" are in their heads. Forward thinking and planning comes naturally. Always positive, always hopeful, voraciously curious, Sevens remind us all that we are alive.
Meyers Briggs: ISTP
Flexible "ISTP's" are natural Makers and Creators. Curious, creative, confident, spontaneous and rational, and all about the experiences that shape us.
StrengthsFinder: Top 5
Achiever, Focus, Responsibility, Competition and Self Assurance. This basically means I will always strive to win the race and I am naturally oreiented to get things done.
I'm a Graphic Designer, Brand and Product Manager, Creative Director and Producer. But I'm not defined solely by my work, it's just one part of who I am. The other parts crave adventure, time with friends & family, and exploring new places or things. I'm a student of all things I encounter and I believe that most problems can be solved through creativity. I am quite the anomaly though (so I've heard), I'm highly creative but I'm also very analytical and strategic - that's the sweet spot for me, and what I hear from my clients is the greatest asset I bring to the table for their projects.
"Strategic Designer", that's a great descriptor of who I am.
I help companies and individuals communicate who they are through storytelling, branding and creating compelling visuals for their needs. I am a serial entrepreneur, love investing in people's BIG ideas, and I get so excited to help those I work with solve their communication problems through Strategic Design. I'm more than just a Pixel Pusher (Graphic Designer), I use these tools (that I've spend almost 20 years perfecting) to hopefully play a role in helping point humanity in the right direction (to be part of the solutions that makes our world a better place). So I see myself as less of a Graphic Designer, and more of Creative Director - who just so happens to have the chops to not only imagine the new direction (for a product, or company), but to actually build whatever is needed. I personally design, photography and direct whatever each project requires. And when I need something that's outside of my creative wheelhouse, I work in a spirit of collaboration with other Creatives in my personal network to get the job done.
"Creative Guide & Director" is a great descriptor of what I do.
Storytelling, it's something we've always done as humans. Visual storytelling (in this modern technologically-based world we now live in) has become the new norm. That's where people like me come in. Through the clicks of my mouse I create visual aids that tell the greater story of the brand I'm working with. The goal is to create content that builds trust and confidences (insider tip: that's the whole point of "Branding", to build trust and confidence). If somethings off, people notice. So we put our best, most accurate foot forward in telling your brands story.
Why do I do it? Because people matter. Each story and perspective has value. And we need each other to move this thing forward. We've got one shot at life, we might as well give it our best and we might as well live out our passion.
Efficiency and great communication are key. You can expect me to be on your side and extremely effective in the tasks I perform with/for you.
WORK TO LIVE (not live to work):
I operate within a strict weekly schedule that maximizes my work efforts and balances it with a healthy dose of reality. I am not defined by my work, but I am compelled to produce the best work I possible can. So for me, it's all about rhythm and balance. Just as my clients need me, so does my family, and so do I (self care). If I'm not fully charged up and ready to work hard, then what good am I to you who is paying top dollar for my time and energy? So here's what I'm doing when it comes to production and computer time: my office hours are Tue-Thur, 5am - 5pm. I work very hard and very efficiently. Sure, if something comes up and I'm needed on Mondays and Fridays, I make room for it. But my goal is a healthy balance and rhythm to life that keeps my creative mind, heart and soul operating at it's fullest potential. When I'm ON, I wanna be 3,000% ON. This is the sweet spot where life and work can be in harmony. Each filling up and inspiring the other.